Our community offers authors, intellectuals, human rights activists and culturally interested people from all over the world the opportunity to publish their texts and contributions and to let even more people know about their ideas and thoughts.
All contributions will have one thing in common: they will encourage serious, intercultural discussions!
These discussions in particular will unite all authors of Promosaik to become a large community, and their opinions and views will uncover and analyse cultural differences. By understanding and dealing with different and manifold issues, an individual person has the chance to grow, face other visions of the world and to strengthen his or her own cultural awareness.
Our authors will mainly focus on the following subjects:
- Culture
- Religions
- Peace Education
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Current Events
- Human Rights
- Women’s Rights and Feminism
- Children all over the world
- Social Sciences
- Languages
- Politics
- Development Aid
- Education
- Literature
- Psychology
- Racism and Xenophobia
- History
- Art and Music
Authors, who contact our association, will have the chance to publish their works under their own name. These contributions will be published in the sections News and Reviews or by publishing the work as a book that is going to be financed through the association.
Additionally it is possible to make sponsors aware of authors so that they can assist in having the author’s work translated into other languages. In this way an even better dialogue or comparison is provoked in respect of understanding cultural and religious differences. We, from Promosaik, want to create a mosaic-shaped and mosaic-coloured world full of differences, where we can make contact with each other and find commonalities!
Sponsors will have three possibilities to support authors to realise this dream of a better and more peaceful world in the name of understanding different cultures and religions and by avoiding discrimination and hostility towards foreigners:
- Direct Sponsoring
- General Sponsoring
- Indirect Sponsoring
Direct Sponsoring
The direct sponsoring supports a certain author directly in respect to a certain target group of authors involved in a certain subject which may be close to your heart and that you want to support personally in distributing their works. You can freely discuss with us the subjects in which you are mostly interested and submit suggestions. You may also select a project from our suggestions that is already published on our website – from a News text or a in Review – and you may be really interested in. By sponsoring you can subsequently contribute to the translation of the book selected by you into a language of your choice.
If none of the contributions already published on the website meets your interest directly, but you like the subject as such, you can let us know and instruct us to use your sponsoring only for contributions on this particular subject. We will respect your wish, and will search for a suitable text together with you and submit suggestions accordingly.
To support us with your donation through paypal click here.
General Sponsoring
Should you decide to contribute to a general sponsoring, your sponsored amount will be collected in a pool and then equally distributed to the various book projects or contributions. In this case it is of no importance, who the author is or what subject is being dealt with. All publications planned by Promosaik will be promoted at equal shares.
Indirect Sponsoring
In case you think our ideas are good but do not have a large budget available for sponsoring the intercultural and interreligious dialogue, you can still contribute indirectly to promote ProMosaik and their activities. In case you place an order for a translation for your company, 50% of the hereby achieved profit by the association will be invested in the association and the remaining 50% will go to the general sponsoring pool, which is used to support book projects and contributions.
This means that you do not only receive a cost efficient and qualitative translation from our mother-tongue translators, but you also support the ProMosaik authors with their projects and thus contribute to the intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Each sponsor who wants to be mentioned will appear on our website. In case a sponsor wishes to sponsor a whole book, then he/she will be mentioned by name in the relevant work, should he/ she wishes to be mentioned. It is, of course, always possible to act as an unnamed sponsor.
Contact us!
The Founder and General Manager of ProMosaik